

This website is a personal passion project. Who am I? Basically @nukalyptus everywhere. I play a lot of Legacy and I found there was a lack of a great source of information about getting into the format, specifically without spending a lot of money. There used to be some great treads about this on Reddit’s MTGLegacy sub, but like many other great resources of old, this sub has become kind of obsolete since the rise of Discord. That said, if you’re getting into Legacy, this sub is still a great place to be.

Anyway, since I thought there wasn’t a centralized base of information for this specific subject, I decided to create one myself. I occasionally enjoy writing content and I love talking about legacy, so why not? I’m not super duper technical so if you have some improvements to offer, feel free to reach out to me. Anyway, I’m building this site on my own pace. Sometimes I ask friends to help me out and sometimes I just don’t progress it at all. It started in January of 2023 and it will probably never be done. Since the competitive metagame of the format is always changing, I find it important to put the pages into perspective by letting you know when it was last updated. If you’re interested about any decklist at all and you want to know more/have my opinion on something, also: just reach out! The whole idea of this website is to get more players into Legacy so I’m always happy to help you out.

Question: will you add X deck?

Maybe. If you feel like it would add value to the site, hit me up! I can’t promise it will be up within a certain time frame because I’m running this site as a passion project alongside my job.

Question: what makes you an expert?

Nothing, really. I wouldn’t call myself an expert at all. That’s why I try to keep the information about a certain deck to a basic description and some additional information, as well as external resources where you can find the actual experts. I’m just a guy who really likes the format and my friends say I have the ability “nonbasic deckcycling” so I have played a lot of different archetypes. You could say I have at least some experience at almost every deck type.